Must-Know Health Tips for Fully-Remote Employees

Fully-remote jobs are increasingly more common in the workforce. Even with pandemic restrictions loosening and employees being given the option to return to their places of work, some businesses have recognized fully-remote work to be more beneficial.

Whether it’s the lower cost per month, as rental prices for office spaces can be astronomical, or the growing notion amongst the workforce of a need for a stronger work-life balance, there are plenty of positives to working fully remote.

However, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides. One of those downsides that experts have been examining recently is the detrimental health effects one can have due to fully-remote work.

Working from home may seem like a dream, but unless you establish a strict balance between your home and work life, both your physical and mental health can pay the price. Below, we’ve put together six must-know health tips for full-remote employees.

Stay Hydrated

It may seem like a minute tip, but staying hydrated throughout the day is important for fully remote employees. If you don’t drink enough water, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated.

According to researchers, nearly 75% of the United States population is chronically dehydrated. With the emphasis on sugary sports drinks, coffees, and sodas in the mainstream media and workplaces, it makes sense why people would be drinking less water overall.

Dehydration is the leading factor in headaches, sore eyes, fatigue, and insomnia, and can even contribute to brain fog during the workday. To stay as healthy as you can, make sure to get enough water every day.

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Men should be getting 15.5 cups a day, whereas women should be getting 11.2 cups a day. Always check with your doctor to ensure those measurements align with your bodily needs.

Keep Your Diet Healthy

Working from home can introduce poor diet habits, as it’s so easy to run to your kitchen and grab a snack during your workday. Staying healthy is just as important as keeping yourself hydrated. Sugary snacks and heavily processed meals can contribute to lethargy, weight gain, body soreness, and headaches.

Try to meal prep for your week, so you have healthy options to turn to. If you’re having a hard time, you can seek help from a licensed dietitian. They can help you develop a meal plan, and you can discuss set times in your schedule daily for meals and snacks.

Exercise Daily

When working fully remote, it’s important to schedule daily exercise. This could be a morning walk before you get your day started, or maybe you’re a night person and prefer an evening stroll.

Doctors and researchers also suggest both in-person and fully-remote employees get some exercise during their workday as well. Try to take your business call while you’re on a walk, or invest in a standing desk.

Exercising throughout your week and workday can significantly improve your quality of life. People who don’t exercise run the risk of becoming overweight, their muscles atrophying, or exposing themselves to a greater risk of cardiac problems.

In more severe cases, people who rely on work and take little to no care of their bodies constantly need medical attention. They’ll be seeking the medications and may need to consult with a compounding pharmacist for specialized medication, rather than enjoying their well-earned retirement.

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Stick to a Routine

Just because you’re working remotely doesn’t mean the way you work needs to change entirely. Go to bed and wake up at your usual hours, don’t sleep in or stay up late just because you don’t have to physically get anywhere in the morning. You need to be present for your fully-remote job.

Plan Social Activities

Getting out of the house is a must when you’re working fully remotely. The beauty of working fully remote is that your schedule will most likely be more flexible.

Use that extra time to get out of the “office” and schedule social activities throughout your month. Set up a time to grab lunch with friends or plan a movie night out. Engaging with other people is something that we as humans need.

Create Clear Boundaries

Boundaries are essential to a successful remote work environment. If you live with anyone, make sure everyone is aware of your hours. Tell them when you have important calls or need to be left alone. People don’t know what not to do until you tell them to.

It’s also important to establish boundaries with work when you’re working fully remote. Some people are tempted to work constantly since they have everything they need at all times.

While you may think working 24/7 is what’s best for you and your company, what they need is someone who is refreshed and interested, not someone who is sure to burn out.

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