5 Tips For Moving Your Elderly Parent Into Your House

When the time comes for your senior parent (or parents) to move into your home, there will be multiple logistics to plan out. The move itself can be stressful, and it may take a few months before everything settles down. To make the transition seamless, create a checklist in advance that takes the following points into account. Here are 5 tips for moving your elderly parent into your home. Also, you can leave all your luggage related worries to Luggage Storage NYC and take care of your senior parents and once they settle down you can move their belongings as well.

Travel Arrangements

Nowadays it is quite common for adults to live far away from their family home. Therefore, if the day arrives when your parent or senior relative is coming to live in your house, there will be practical travel arrangements to set up. If the senior has their own house, for example, they will need help with their possessions from a moving company or similar. Similarly, if it is not possible for you to travel with them, they may need a professional travel companion to monitor or assist with basic medical requirements.

Setting Up Your House

Anyone moving into a home should expect as a bare minimum, a bedroom. If you have agreed to the move, it is likely that you have the space to do so. Set the bedroom up before the moving date so everything is ready and the senior feels instantly welcome and wanted. Accept that some of their possessions may mix in with your possessions and the household may become a little more eclectic. Moving a new person in changes the natural established dynamic and is a big adjustment not just for them, but every member of the household they are moving into too. The biggest thing to think about is accessibility to bathrooms and general amenities. If mobility issues are disabling the use of stairs, for instance, there is a need for everything to be on the same floor for ease of access.

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There will be multiple bits of admin to take care of, for example, registering the elderly person with a local doctor’s surgery and ensuring the transfer of their medical records. This is more pressing if the person in question has advanced health needs that need maintenance, such as medication for a condition. You can’t risk them not having the right pills, especially if they are needed to preserve quality of life. Other admin may include transferring benefits or, establishing power of attorney, and so on.

Arranging Care

One of the main reasons that parents move back in with their children is because they have too many needs to take care of autonomously and they are in need of additional support in a comfortable environment. Some diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease get worse the more they progress and caring responsibilities are emotionally draining and practically intricate to manage around other life commitments. While some adults prefer to manage everything by themselves, hiring professional care allows peace of mind to know a parent is being looked after professionally. It also allows you to enjoy the in-between times more authentically, as there is less burnout and resentment.

Mental Preparation

Are you mentally prepared for this move? There is no point denying that it will take a mental toll. This is a big change, and if the reasons are medical, that adds an extra degree of emotional complication to figure out. It is better to prepare a little than fall flat on your face (metaphorically) and hit a mental burnout further down the line. Here are some top tips for enabling mental preparation.

  1. Have a talk with your relative before the move. Outline boundaries and expectations on both sides of the equation so everyone feels heard, and like they have a voice. Parent-child relationships are hard enough to navigate as adults, but this is a big shift in control on both sides so it needs a gentle approach.
  2. Have a talk with your household before the move. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion, and while it may not change the outcome, it is vital that any negative feelings are talked through.
  3. Accept that there will be a level of chaos until things settle down. Practice stress busting exercises to ensure you don’t tip over the edge and cause yourself health issues caused by tension. Self-care and regulation are essential in these circumstances, so don’t let them get left behind.
  4. Get organized. It is far easier to feel prepared when everything is lined up. Moving your elderly parent has a lot of logistical barriers, and ignoring the admin is not an option for something like this.
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Moving elderly relatives/parent may be the best solution in a lot of circumstances, but that does not mean it is exempt from challenges. Natural occurring issues crop up all over, and they can be combatted with mindful preparation tactics. There are many pros and cons to consider when determining if moving a parent into your home will work.

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