Quarantine Vs. Isolation – The Difference You Should Know


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains, the practice of a quarantine specifically involves: … the separation of an individual or group of individuals reasonably believed to own/been exposed to a disease but not yet symptomatic, from others who haven’t been so exposed, to stop the possible spread of the disease.

Quarantine helps in limit the further spread of COVID – 19 or any other, for example, if an individual exposed to the virus without knowing it while traveling or come in the community or they might have the virus without feeling symptoms then through a quarantine that individual limit the spreading of such type of disease.

Self- Quarantine– Quarantine (when someone isn’t ordered to travel into quarantine but chooses to try to so just out of caution) is usually called self-quarantine.


According to the CDC, the practice of isolation entails the separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent the spread of communicable disease.

Isolation for public health purposes could also be voluntary or compelled by federal, state, or local public health orders.

Voluntary isolation is usually called self-isolation, although everyday people using the latter term may not mean they are actually infected.

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Below is the list of Top 8 Differences between quarantine and isolation.

Quarantine can be defined as the separation of an individual or group of individuals which have come in the contact of infected person but do not show any symptoms from others, to stop the possible spread of the disease.Isolation can defined as the separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious for those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
HistoryThe quarantine word comes from Italian word “quaranta giorni,” which means 40 days.
History has shown that 21 days of quarantine after exposure to an infected person is sufficient.
The roots of word ISOLATION came from the Latin word “INSULA”, which means island.
As In 1423, during the time of plague a first permanent hospital was established in Venice near the island which was known as Santa Maria di Nazaret. And this hospital was basically for those with contagious diseases.
The path of this word is from Latin to English begins in Italian. So, there was an Italian word “isolato” which means isolated.
PurposeQuarantine is necessary to prevent others people from further infection as it is a contagious disease. For example, if an individual exposed to the virus without knowing it while traveling or come in the community or they might have the virus without feeling symptoms then through quarantine that individual limit the spreading such type of disease.Isolation for public health purposes could also be voluntary or compelled by federal, state, or local public health order.
DurationIf you are exposed with infected person then you must have stay in quarantine for 14 days.If you are infected so you must stay away from others at least for 7 days after your symptoms started until your symptoms gone away
Medical and health facilitiesThere is no health facilities required. It can be done at home or other location, stay away from others.This can be done under the health care facilities.
Patients Involved
In quarantine, those patients who have been exposed with contagious disease.In isolation, those patients who have been diagnosed with contagious disease.
Precautions To Be TakenReside a distance of a minimum of 6 feet from others within the home.
If possible, stay during a separate room.
Wash hands regularly with soap and water. If that's out of the reach, use sanitizer or disinfecting wipes.
Wash surfaces regularly within the home.
Avoid touching your face.
Monitor daily for symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
If symptoms develop, call your health care provider or local hospital to determine if you ought to be tested for COVID-19.
Stay in a separate room. If that's not possible maintain a minimum of 6-foot circle of space from others.
Wear a mask when in the same room as others.
Wear a mask when someone brings food or other necessities.
Wash hands after interacting with others. Use soap and water. If that's not possible, use hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes.
Wipe down surfaces such as door knobs, cellphones, countertops and other areas touched.
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