Having any kind of surgery can be daunting and even a minor procedure under local anaesthetic can cause people a lot of stress and anxiety. There are some surgeries that are a lot more dangerous than others, though, and this post will look at a few of the more complex procedures that can sometimes have complications.
First, it is important to touch on complications that can occur from surgery Surgeries often have risks and these should be made clear to the patient before they consent. If the surgery worsens your quality of life and this was as a result of malpractice, it is worth seeking the services of medical negligence claim solicitors that will be able to claim compensation for you.
Notoriously one of the most dangerous surgeries is a craniotomy, which involves removing a fraction of the skull to relieve pressure on the brain often from a stroke or TBI. There are numerous risks in this procedure, including damage to the brain, bleeding and infection. It used to be a procedure that was only performed as a last resort, but advances in tech have improved outcomes, so it is more common these days.
Cosmetic Procedures
Cosmetic procedures are elective surgeries, but they can also be dangerous. Bum lifts, tummy tucks and bariatric surgery can all improve quality of life, but the procedures themselves can be invasive and dangerous. In rare occasions, a tummy tuck can lead to a stroke or heart attack, bariatric surgery can result in a pulmonary embolism or dumping syndrome and bum lifts can suffer contour problems and numbness.
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
A coronary artery bypass surgery is a common procedure used to treat coronary heart disease and can increase life expectancy, but it is also a major surgery that requires making a significant cut to open up the rib cage. It can also involve using healthy veins and arteries from other areas in the body to circumvent narrowing in the arteries to restore blood to the deprived area. As a complex procedure, complications can occur including heart failure, stroke and renal dysfunction.
An oesophagectomy is another major surgery that involves the removal of the oesophagus due to cancer to stop the spread to other organs. It depends on the severity of the procedure, but incisions to the throat, abdomen and chest can lead to heavy bleeding, leaking of fluids into the stomach and infection.
These are a few of the more dangerous procedures. You will always be informed of the risks involved in any procedure beforehand and most surgeries go according to plan, but there are sometimes complications and it is important to determine whether these are a result of medical negligence or not as sometimes these complications could have been avoided.

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