How to Improve Your Sleep as a Senior Citizen

We know how important it is to have a good sleep for everyone. Senior citizens generally have sleeping problems in their age. This article focuses on giving you advice to improve your sleep quality.

The body and brain repair and regenerate overnight as you rest. Lack of high-quality sleep can slow down the body’s recovery responses, leaving you feeling tired and groggy when you wake up.

Aside from feeling constantly fatigued, chronic sleeping troubles can negatively impact multiple aspects of your life. Poor sleep is associated with decreased physical and mental health in the elderly population. Tackling insomnia in its early days is vital to improving quality of life and extending lifespan.

Aging comes with an increased risk of many health conditions, one of which is insomnia. Older adults are more likely to experience poor sleep than the younger generation. 

Since aging already comes with a wide variety of complications, it’s in everybody’s best interest to reduce the harmful impacts of poor sleep. Staying well-rested can counteract the natural degeneration of the body and mind as you grow older. Getting better sleep is much easier said than done when you’re a senior citizen. Try following our top tips to improve your sleep and optimize your health.

Get an Adjustable Bed to Improve Your Sleep

The best adjustable beds on the market enable you to find the perfect sleeping position. You can change the angle of your bed to suit your needs and preferences. 

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If you find lying flat uncomfortable and you often wake up feeling stiff and sore, switching to an adjustable bed will solve your problems. You can incline the bed to keep your upper body at an angle and reduce neck and shoulder pain.

Get Adjustable Bed

Adjustable beds also enable you to elevate your legs, which can improve your circulation and help your heart to pump blood around your body. Elevation of the legs overnight can also reduce swelling in the lower body and prevent pain and stiffness in the knees and ankles.

Establish a Night Time Routine

Your body loves routine. Getting into a regular night time routine can help you to relax in preparation for sleep, both physically and mentally. Find a routine that relaxes you and makes you feel calm. Your night time regime might involve relaxing in a hot bath, reading a book, or having an evening stroll.

Establish a Night Time Routine

Make sure to stick to your routine as much as possible so that you can maximize to chances of getting a great night’s sleep every night!

Avoid Caffeine or Alcohol in the Evenings

Caffeinated drinks can negatively impact sleep and so can alcoholic beverages. It can disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle and make it harder for you to fall asleep. Even when you drift off, your sleep quality may be worse if you’ve consumed a cup of coffee or a beer towards the end of the day.

Avoid Caffeine or Alcohol

This doesn’t mean you can’t continue to drink your favorite tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages! It just means that you need to be careful when you consume them. 

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To maximize your sleep, avoid drinking anything that contains caffeine or alcohol after 3 pm. This gives your body a chance to metabolize the ingredients in these drinks well before you head to bed.

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