Steroids for inflammation: Do they really work?

Steroids are the man-made hormones which are identical to the naturally occurring chemicals, corticosteroids in the human body. Designed to reduce inflammation, these are unlike anabolic steroids that increase the muscle mass.

It is well established a fact that the steroids do not cure the persisting condition but they really help to reduce inflammation and symptoms like swelling, stiffness and joint pains, etc.

What are the causes of inflammation in the body and how steroids help?

Inflammation process in the body is usually caused by bacteria or viruses or the body’s reaction to any other infection. White blood cells or the chemicals induces inflammation as these are responsible for the protection of the body against infection.

Testosterone cypionate works to treat hypogonadism in males by replacing the testosterone your body is unable to make. The immune system of the body produces extra fluid to combat this foreign attack and this, in turn, can cause swelling, redness or heating in that particular area.

steroids for inflammation - do they really work - action of steroids on human body - how steroids work
Source: Hopes (Stanford)

Production of inflammation in the joints or another part of the body such as in the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause permanent damage if the situation is left untreated. Under this inflammation case, the body works against its own tissues and causes damage to the tissues.

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Usage of steroids in such a situation reduce this immune reaction and minimize the damage caused to the tissue. Steroids actually affect the functioning of white blood cells.

Consuming prescribed doses of steroids helps in the treatment of certain inflammatory conditions such as systemic vasculitis, myositis, lupus, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Various methods of consuming steroids

There are different forms of taking steroids such as orally or IV (by mouth) in the form of liquids, tablets, dissolvable tablets et cetera.

By the method of injection, both injecting corticosteroids and anabolic steroids Canada has to offer, into the joints, muscles, blood or spinal area is easy where these reduce inflammation instantly or makes muscles bigger and stronger, respectively.

steroids for inflammation - vaious types of steroids - action of steroids on human body - how steroids work

These are at times injected into the veins or muscles, directly into joints or bursa ( lubricating sac between tendons and underlying bones) or around some tendons and areas having soft tissues.

Apply the steroids in the form of eye drops or ointment or balm for quick relief.

Apply steroids topically as a cream, gel, lotion, etc where it helps to reduce the inflammation on the skin.

Examples of corticosteroids medications are Prednisone, cortisone, methylprednisolone, etc.

What are the benefits of taking steroids against inflammation?

Steroids act as the savior against prospective damage to the critical body organs that can be the result of inflammation. For example, these can help to prevent the progression of kidney inflammation eliminating the need for kidney transplant or dialysis.

Regular low doses of steroids are helpful in relieving pain and stiffness that are common in ailments like rheumatoid arthritis.

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An occasional higher dose of steroids is helpful in recovering from a critical burst of arthritis.

Some general forms of side effects of steroids are as follows but their intensity varies with the class of steroids, doses, and duration for which steroids are consumed:-

  • Sudden mood swings in mood
  • Muscle weakness but associated weight gain
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased appetite
  • Growth in body hairs
  • Delay in healing or easy bruising

  • lower immunity towards infections
  • Acne on face or swelling in the face or body
  • Osteoporosis (bone weakening disease)
  • Stomach irritation and
  • Restlessness in body
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Cataracts or glaucoma

Minimizing the side -effects of steroids

Listed below are certain guidelines for the safer consumption of steroids:-

  • Use steroids only under medical supervision
  • Use local steroids wherever feasible
  • Consume in the least required doses
  • keep a close check for the springing up side-effects
  • Chart blood pressure regularly
  • Get regular bone density check-up done if you are on regular doses


If you are fighting inflammation and don’t want to have steroids, there is no way tastier than wild salmon as it is rich in vitamin-D.

Local steroid treatments prescriptions are there that include joint injections, ear drops, eye drops, and skin creams for the ailments as these have lower chances of generating side-effects on patients.

Systemic steroid treatments are inclusive of oral medicines or medicine injected directly into a vein (intravenously or IV) or muscle (intramuscularly).

These steroids circulate through the bloodstream to reach the affected body area and thus have greater chances of generating adverse effects on patients. Side-effects of consuming orally or IV steroids is higher as there is no surety of reaching the adequate amount of drug to the problem area.

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steroids for inflammation - do they really work -final conclusion - how steroids hel us
Source: UPI

If the patient is already on injection or having wounds on the targeted area of the body where the steroid injection administered, its prescription may lead to delays in healing or even infections.

Steroids also tend to have an adverse effect on medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or mental health concerns. The type of ailment a patient is having determines steroids to be is prescribed as different steroids works differently on various patients.

Generally, the prescription of steroids is for a short duration to diagnose the ailment quickly. Steroids surely lessen the pain or inflammation but do not cure the ailment.

One thought on “Steroids for inflammation: Do they really work?

  1. Thank you for your research into this. I have two torn muscles in my right shoulder. It will be awhile before I have surgery. I’ll probably get a steroid shot for the pain.

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