7 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Dieting is a quick way to lose all the excess fat you have on your body. But what happens when you lose all the weight and get back to your old eating habits? You gain the same weight faster and sometimes even more than what you originally weighed.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your fat and maintain the desired body weight for a longer period, you need to opt for a more sustainable method of weight reduction. You can start by making small changes to your lifestyle.

Rather than cutting out meals, become more mindful of what you put in your body. Instead of being anxious about your body weight, embrace it and work towards improving it. Rather than depending on old, rotten habits, indulge in activities that bring out the productivity in you.

In this article, we’ll discuss 7 ways you can lose those extra inches without torturing yourself with detox diets and fasts.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

Talking about losing weight and the first tip is to eat, isn’t that just swell? Who knew eating could help you lose weight? But just to be clear, we’re not talking about eating anything at any point during the day.

Eat Breakfast Everyday

Our focus is on the first meal of the day, which also turns out to be the most important. This meal is crucial as it’ll keep you energized for the first half of the day. That is why you need to indulge in a nutritious meal at this point of the day.

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Say No to Late Night Munchies

The one unspoken rule of life is knowing when to stop. And this law applies to eating as well. While we’re not asking you to put too much control on your diet, you must exhibit some control over when you munch on snacks. Usually, any time after 7 pm is a no meal time but a majority of us are unable to follow this rule.

Say No to Late Night Munchies

However, try to keep your snacking to a minimum during the late evening hours. Instead, opt for some calming tea, a block of dark chocolate or frozen yogurt to fulfill your late-night cravings.

Monitor Your Liquid Intake to Lose Weight

Sugary aerated drinks, milkshakes and energy drinks all have some things in common. To begin with, they have a lot of added sugar and calories. To add to this disadvantage, they also do nothing to fill up your stomach. On the other hand, food with junk food or desserts with a lot of sugar can fill you up for a good amount of time.

Monitor Your Liquid Intake to Lose Weight

What we’re trying to say is – opt for solid foods in place of drinks. Also, you’re better off replacing your sugary unhealthy drinks with water/ sparkling water, skim milk, fresh fruit juice or vegetable juice. Steer clear of alcoholic drinks especially those like beer-these have a lot of calories.

Also Read: How To Lose Weight Without Exercising

How To Lose Weight Without Exercising

Alter Your Environment

Your life revolves more around the things you own. This means that the more junk at your place, the more you’ll eat it. This is why stocking up your kitchen with the right things is crucial. You already know your cravings well enough, so it shouldn’t be hard to find alternatives that will have lesser calories or would provide more benefits to you. This even includes a small decision like replacing your regular chocolate bar with dark chocolate or red meat with leaner meats like chicken or fish.

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Alter Your Environment

However, altering your environment isn’t just about the things around you but also the people you associate with. If your friends and family support your quest towards a healthier lifestyle, the process will be much easier.

Eat More Produce to Lose Weight

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the staples for anyone who is trying to lose weight but at a healthy pace. Adding fresh produce into your diet is a good way to replace high-calorie and fatty foods. These will keep you full for just as long and help you maintain a healthier weight at the same time. You don’t have to completely eliminate high calories food but instead find the right balance between the two.

Eat More Produce to Lose Weight

Every meal that you take should be enriched with the goodness of fresh produce. When you fill-up on these ingredients, you fulfill your vitamin, mineral and fiber requirements and will no longer feel unexpected urges to munch on unhealthy snacks.

Workouts to Lose Weight

We’re not simply focusing on losing weight here, you’re already doing that by eating clean and lean. However, with a regular workout, you can speed up the process and tone your body at the same time. While you’re in the process of losing weight, invest in cardio, HIIT, and aerobics.

Workouts to Lose Weight

These workouts are a great way to cut down on your inches. Weight training after every few days will help tone your muscles as you go on losing weight. Once you’ve lost all the excessive weight you were trying to get rid of, you can reduce the days spent on cardio and increase days dedicated to weight training.

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Consult a Professional

Sometimes, weight loss may not be that easy to achieve on your own, especially when your gains are associated with a medical condition. In such a case, we do not recommend pushing yourself to do things that might prove to be harmful in some cases. Do not make drastic changes to your diet, your schedule or your workout routine without consulting a physician. You can book an appointment at clinics like Steady Care Medical to find the most convenient and safe method of losing weight.

Consult a Professional

While following all these ways to lose weight, staying optimistic and happy is just as crucial. These steps are easy enough to be inculcated into your regular life without requiring any drastic changes. Therefore, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself to follow them to the dot.

A little discrepancy here and there, a cheat day every 2 weeks or a break from your workouts will not ruin your progress. Learn to enjoy the process as it goes, so you’ll be able to sustain your gains or losses in this case.

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