5 Ways To Deal With A Headache Without Medication

There are well over 100 different types of headaches that a person can experience.

The World Health Organization has reported that at least 50% of people worldwide experience a headache disorder.

While the solution to alleviating each type of headache may be different, you can avoid reaching for the bottle of pain medication by trying a number of natural home remedies.

 The most important aspect of dealing with your headache is understanding why it’s happening in the first place.

Once you know why you’re experiencing the pain, you can try the most appropriate treatment to reduce and eliminate the intensity and frequency.

The following is a short list of potential solutions that are proven to reduce the pain from different types of headaches without medication.

Presented by – Orthobiologics Associates

1. Get hydrated

If headaches are not a regular occurrence for you, there is a good chance you can cure your headache by drinking more water. Headaches are one of the many symptoms of dehydration.

For many people the easiest solution is also the healthiest and simpler ways to eliminate a headache.

Get hydrated to reduce headache

Get in the habit of drinking water regularly throughout the day and if you feel the onset of a headache, drink more water and eliminate the possibility of dehydration.

2. Practice relaxation techniques

Tension headaches are most commonly triggered by stress.

You can prevent the onset of a tension headache and reduce its intensity by practicing relaxation techniques to keep your muscles loose and your mind calm. 

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Practice relaxation techniques to reduce headache

Michael Liougas, the head physiotherapist at Global Health Physiotherapy Clinic, treats a number of patients that experience tension headaches regularly.

“Eliminating unhealthy habits and finding a source of stress relief is a key focus. Many patients have been successful at managing pain with neck stretches for headaches.”

3. Use a cold pack on your neck and/or head

While relaxation can be accomplished by using heat for tense muscles, a cold compression wrap on your head or neck is ideal for headaches caused by inflammation.

Using a cold pack reduces the flow of blood by constricting the blood vessels.

cold pack on your neck to reduce the headache

People who experience migraines have reported this method as a way to alleviate the pain.

Even if its only temporary solution for relief, the coldness numbs the pain and reduces its intensity. 

4. Sit in a dark room

If you’re experiencing a migraine headache, get yourself in a dark room for 20-30 minutes.

There are two popular theories for why this is effective.

The first theory is that light on the optic nerve triggers the pain of a migraine attack.

 A second possibility put forth is that the Melanospin photoreceptors (cells in the retina) are turned out when exposed to light.

Sit in a dark room to treat headache

This leads to stimulation of an area in the brain that is active when a person is experiencing a migraine attack.

This area in the brain can remain active-even while sitting in the dark, which is why it can take at least a half-hour for someone to feel any relief.

5. Exercise regularly

It’s no secret that regular exercise is a healthy habit that can do wonders for your body in a number of different ways, but among one of them is improved circulation.

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Lack of blood circulation is believed to be a root cause in the onset of headaches.

Exercise regularly to reduce headache

 A number of case studies report that increased physical activity can reduce headaches, while inactivity can be a source of the problem.

Changing your lifestyle to include more exercise can play a key factor for eliminating headaches by reducing stress and increasing circulation.


Many people’s first reaction to a headache is to reach for a bottle of pain medication.

While this may be a temporary solution for pain management, it may not be the healthiest choice or long-term solution.

 When you identify the root source of your headaches you can treat it accordingly and eliminate the frequency and intensity of each episode.

In more severe cases, you should seek the help of a medical professional to accurately diagnose your condition. 

If your headache isn’t severe, you can try the most applicable home remedy and cure your headache without the use of medication.

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