Why You Need to Run Background Check During Employee Onboarding?

In today’s competitive world everyone strives to make a mark for themselves. High attrition rate is the proof of how companies struggle to recruit and retain talent. Nearly 87% of the HR professionals are currently thriving through the tedious process of employee recruitment irrespective of the industries be it IT, healthcare, or other sectors. However, research has shown employees with great onboarding experience tend to stay in the company for a long run. But one can always level up the background check process to ensure the company retains capable candidates as well as verify their claims. This increases both the recruitment and retention rate a company aims for in order to achieve their desired aim.

A comprehensive guide on how New Hampshire background checks are run is discussed here in detail to provide clarity in knowledge to obtain better outcomes.

Why Background Check is important?

There could be multiple reasons why HR professionals and employers emphasize on New Hampshire background checks. 

  • General screening– this is mainly done for entry level positions. Background check at entry level plays an essential role in hiring and is conducted by verifying the claims made by the candidates in their applications and resume in order to increase retention rate. Checking whether the employee had any disqualifying convictions also ensures the company’s benefit.
  • Screening for supervisors– this is crucial as supervisory or management jobs come with greater responsibilities and employees must be profound enough to deal with the gravity of such roles. Most of the employees go for detailed New Hampshire background checks in a thorough manner.
  •  Screening at regular intervals– Not only at the entry level some of the industrial work requires the talent and grit of employees throughout their service period. Hence, industries such as transportation, and healthcare need background checks at regular intervals.
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The Process of Background Check for Employment

Employers and HR professionals generally decide on what a background check report will be based on. Generally, most employers in New Hampshire background checks ask for information about a candidate’s past employment, educational attainment, credentials as well as criminal history. There are certain industry roles which require driving, hence, the company goes through the detailed intricacies of past driving records as well. Moreover, many professionals also ask for mandatory employment drug tests for the applicants.

Here is a list of pre-employment background check that candidate can be prepared for beforehand-

  1.     Previous/pending criminal cases
  2.     Thorough employment history 
  3.     Address history
  4.     Misdemeanor conviction 
  5.     Felony conviction 
  6.     Dismissed charges
  7.     Detailed educational history
  8.     Appearance on the domestic terrorist watch list.

Federal and State Laws around Background Checks

New Hampshire background checks include some legal regulations where employers must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This law requires employers to inform applicants and employees about the use of their consumer report in order to make employment decisions.

Hence, the permission from the employees side should be given beforehand. The federal act also ensure companies do not discriminate between employees based on their race, national origin, colour, sex, religion, age, disability as well as genetic informations.

The state laws around background check forbids employer from asking about the criminal histories of employees even before they get the job.

How long does a Background Check take

A background check should not take more than three to four business days if every other thing goes according to plan. However, in some companies a deep, advanced background check is preferred. Consequently, this might take up to two weeks or more. Moreover, the tools that are used for background check also decides the timespan in many cases.

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The traditional human resource services mainly relies on snail mail to do the job and receive the report. This takes longer time than modern, online services that run the background process in a much less time and with higher efficiency.

How Far Back does a Background Check go

This process is controlled by FCRA and New Hampshire state law. FCRA ensures a seven-year lookback period for jobs that offer a salary around $75k per year and following list of background checks are done-

  • Civil judgment 
  • Bankruptcy 
  • Civil lawsuits
  • Liens

However, this information will not be considered if they are more than seven years old.


While the detailed background check for employees is absolutely necessary for the company’s benefit, it comes with its own pros as well as cons. However, states where pre-hire background checks are legalized have reported higher workplace safety, higher quality of hiring, as well as higher qualifications for the jobs.

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