What the Best Oral Surgeon Will Tell You: Guidelines that Every Patient Needs to Know

Whether you’re getting dental implants or having wisdom teeth pulled – or even going through something more involved like jaw surgery – knowing how to get ready and what to do after can make all the difference in the world. It can slash your healing and recovery time significantly.

If you’re looking to find the best oral surgeon in Morristown, understanding how to handle the care before and after your procedure is super important. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide that covers everything from preparing for surgery to making sure you recover the right way.

Before Your Surgery

Picking the Right Surgeon

First things first: you need a skilled surgeon that not only is educated but also makes you feel comfortable and answers all your questions. They should have solid experience, great feedback from other patients, and a good track record.

Your Pre-Surgery Consultation

You’ll meet with your surgeon before the big day to go over details. Don’t hold back—ask about everything from how the surgery works to what kind of follow-up care you’ll need. The more you know, the less scary it feels.

What to Do Before Surgery

  • Food and Drinks: You will likely need to stop eating and drinking for a few hours before your surgery, usually after midnight. This depends on the anesthesia you’ll be getting.
  • Medicine: Tell your surgeon about any prescription drugs you’re taking. Some might interfere with surgical techniques
  • Getting Home: Make sure someone can drive you home afterward. You won’t be in any shape to drive.
  • What to Wear: Spring for comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. If you need an IV during the surgery, wear something with sleeves that can easily be pushed up. The oral surgeon in Morristown will walk you through what they’re doing here beforehand.
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After the Surgery: Healing Up Properly

Right After Surgery

  • Resting and Relaxing: Take it easy for the next few days. Avoid any heavy lifting or gym workouts.
  • Managing Bleeding: A little bleeding is normal. Your surgeon will give you gauze to bite down on, which helps.
  • Handling Pain: You will receive some pain meds. Make sure to take them as directed so you’re not too uncomfortable.

The Days After Surgery

  • Keep the Swelling Down: Ice packs are your friends. Use them on your face to cut down on swelling. Try 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off.
  • Eating Right: Start with soft foods like yogurt or soup. As you feel better, you can start to eat more normal foods.
  • Be Mindful of Hygiene: Keep your mouth clean to stop infections. Rinse gently with salt water or a special mouthwash your surgeon gives you, especially after eating.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery


  • Stick to the Plan: Follow all the care instructions your surgeon gives you – will give you plenty of time to read them over..
  • Keep Your Follow-Up Visits: Going back to see your surgeon helps make sure you’re healing up properly.
  • Drink Plenty of Fluids: Stay hydrated, but skip the straw. The sucking action can disrupt the healing.


  • Smoke: Smoking can harm your mouth and cause real problems down the line.
  • Ignore Bad Signs: Things like fever, a lot of swelling, or really intense pain could mean there’s an infection. Call your surgeon ASAP if something feels off.
  • Rush Things: Everyone heals at their own pace. Give your body the time it needs to get back to normal.
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Wrapping It Up

Oral surgery doesn’t have to be a scary thing. With the right prep and care, you can get through it just fine.

The key is to find the best oral surgeon, someone who’ll walk you through the whole process and help you out with any questions or worries you have. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to a quick and as-painless-as-possible recovery.

Remember, Ridge Oral Surgery is here to help you every step of the way. Taking good care of yourself after surgery means you’ll be back to your normal self sooner.

4 thoughts on “What the Best Oral Surgeon Will Tell You: Guidelines that Every Patient Needs to Know

  1. Living a healthy life is the key to success. This article really is a guide for a person like me who was not informed this much about this desease.

  2. Essential guidelines for patients from top oral surgeons, offering valuable insights and practical advice.

  3. oral health knowledge is very important to know and practice in day to day life. thanks for the informative article

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